December 27, 2008

background music

I love movies and have recently discovered my love for movie scores and with that discovery another. My favorite composer is John Williams. His style is different from the music of say Hans Zimmer (another favorite of mine). I like John Williams because his music has a more classic and romantic sound. Some of my favorites are Indiana Jones, Hook and Jurassic Park.

I like Hans for a his prominent base lines, darker sounds and modern sound. I suggest Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's End, The Holiday and Dark Knight. They're opposites really.

Apparently, it's weird for someone to have a favorite composer, or so I've been told. Actually, I've learned that many people don't even know what a score is! Nonsense. Here, educate yourself!

In case you were wondering, my favorite director is Steven Speilberg.

fall term results

I passed all of my classes...barely. I'll take it.

Next term I'm taking:
  • Archaeology
  • Peoples of Latin America
  • Organismal Biology

I'm marginally excited.

December 7, 2008

finals week

I might not survive.

November 13, 2008


Another thing that's coming a week from tomorrow is TWILIGHT! Yes, I will be there. I'm ready. Are you?

bus rules- food

If you ride the bus don't bring your fragrant food with you. It's rude. Even if you think it smells good someone else may not. What if the person next to you is nauseated? You'll have vomit all over you in no time. Eat your breakfast before you get on the bus.

Also, if you decide that your bus food of choice is a peanut butter and jelly bagel that has jelly oozing out from all sides you're an idiot and don't you dare touch the hand rail.

November 12, 2008


I love the cello. It is my favorite instrument. To me it's so sad and melancholy but at the same time can also be strong and hopeful. A few weekends ago I went to the WWU Cello Festival and attended a lecture/recital on Pau Casals. I had never heard of him before but am glad I know of him now.


I basically hit the quotation jackpot with this professor. She's amazing, and foreign so it makes it twice as great.

"APOPTOSIS!" - look it up. It's one of my favorite biology things.

"Boundary Bay is the whole reason for being in Bellingham."

"...state of flux..." - love it. It makes me think of Star Trek.

"Bilge pump" - sounds clean.

"An excellent way to cheat is to study." - Let's philosophically ponder that statement for a moment...

"It's a pain in the 3' end." - she likes this one and says it often. I find it incredibly nerdy.

"vignette" - One of my favorite words. She's the only person other than my high school English teachers that I've heard use this word.

"Syncytial, two 'y's. It's like your Polish grandmother's name. Lacking in bowels." - Too funny. Too true.

"Meiosis is like a square dance. All the couples go line up in the center of the barn and dance around...or whatever you do in a barn..."

"Mitosis is like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre..." - I will always think of that when I see a picture of mitosis.

"Binary" - another Star Trek word. Love it.

"The protein was all denatured and crapped up." - This is coming from the mouth of a woman with a PhD in Genetics.

"I just love making people feel self-conscious." - Mean.

"When I say semi conservative I'm not talking about how John McCain is kind of republican."

"I'm not gonna hold you responsible for quantum physics. Although, it's a weird and wonderful place." -I'm sure.

Random thoughts:

Can you recycle pens?

Wet dirt smells good.

RAS makes me think of The Rescuers.


Sorry I haven't done a quotation update in a while. I hope you can handle this.

My chemistry professor isn't a very good quote person but I have at least one...

"substoichiometric" - I believe this is actually a word.

One thing that really bothers me in lecture are classroom floaters. You know those people that can't decide where they want to sit so they randomly choose a spot each day. Those people are stupid. Pick a single seat and sit there everyday because when you don't you're pissing off every other person in the class that has a routine. Not to mention 9 times out of 10 you are one of the most obnoxious persons on the planet and insist on verbalizing every thought that pops into your little brain. Stop it.

November 7, 2008

here I come!

I have been accepted for the Peru program! So as of now I will be going to Peru and Alaska next summer. Watch out world. Ariel's comin'!

November 3, 2008


On Saturday I applied for a program in Peru this summer. Now I have to wait. I'm nervous.


Something I discovered this summer.

I should like to rise and go
Where the golden apples grow;-
Where below another sky
Parrot islands anchored lie,
And, watched by cockatoos and goats,
Lonely Crusoes building boats;-
Where sunshine reaching out
Eastern cities, miles about,
Are with mosque and minaret
Among sandy gardens set,
And the rich goods from near and far
Hang for sale in the bazaar;-
Where the Great Wall round China goes,
And on one side the desert blows,
And with bell and voice and drum,
Cities on the other hum;-
Where are forests hot as fire,
Wide as England, tall as a spire,
Full of apes and coconuts
And the negro hunters' huts;-
Where the knotty crocodile
Lies and blinks in the Nile,
And the red flamingo flies
Hunting fish before his eyes;-
Where in jungles near and far,
Man-devouring tigers are,
Lying close and giving ear
Lest the hunt be drawing near,
Or a comer-by be seen
Swinging in a palanquin;-
Where among the desert sands
Some deserted city stands,
All its children, sweep and prince,
Grown to manhood ages since,
Not a foot in street or house,
Not a stir of child or mouse,
And when kindly falls the night,
In all the town no spark of light.
There I'll come when I'm a man,
With a camel caravan;
Light a fire in the gloom
of some dusty dining room;
See the pictures on the walls,
Heroes, fights, and festivals;
And in a corner find the toys
Of the old Egyptian boys.
-Robert Louis Stevenson

October 27, 2008

why Peru?

For my entire freshman year of college I wanted to study abroad in Spain, period. My plan was set and I was determined. After I transferred though, things changed. I know want to go to Peru. People that have known me since my freshman year are now asking me "Why Peru?" Sometimes it's with surprise and interest, other times it's with surprise and almost a tone of disgust. Well, let me tell you.
I discovered my interest in Peru a little over a year ago. I'm pretty sure it was after I had read the Celestine Prophecy. After that it's been haunting me. My friend went, my mom went, Indiana Jones came out, a new alpaca store opened up in Fairhaven (recent omen), one morning this summer I woke up earlier than my family and turned on the TV and it was on a program about the Incas. There have been many. I don't know if it's because my ears are now in turn for the words Peru and Inca or if I really am being shown some signs. Either way, I feel like it's something I need to do.
Another reason is that I have new priorities. I don't want to go abroad and be a tourist (yet) or be stuck in a classroom all day. I already do that. I want to go somewhere and play a deeper role in the culture. I want to become a part of a community or a project. Before, when I wanted to go to Spain, I just wanted to see things. There's nothing wrong with that, but I have my whole life to do that and also I can see things and help people at the same time. I'm not sure why this became a priority. I definitely don't want to go into the PeaceCorps or another similar organizations, but I know that I have the ability to do something for the greater good and I'd like to use it before I lose it, I guess.

Finally, why not Peru? I know many people hate having their question answered with a question but seriously Peru has just as much, if not more, to offer than any other country. The only negative I can think of is malaria, but that's what DEET is for.

October 26, 2008

locked out

My roommate and I went to Costco today and I, being the genius that I am, shut her trunk before she could get hers keys out. So she didn't have her keys, wallet, or phone. Luckily I had my wallet, key (to my car) and phone. Too bad my car was at home. So we returned her bicycle (the purpose of the trip) and called a locksmith. 30 minutes and $66 later we had her keys and wallet and had to go back into Costco to buy our groceries. Genius.

October 21, 2008

my new home

Every time I walk through the door to my apartment my roommates and I say "you are about to enter another are about to enter the Twilight Zone."

October 19, 2008

song of the day

I love this song. "You Don't Know Me," by Ray Charles. I love the Michael Buble version. The Elvis one isn't bad either.

another dream

After I fell back asleep I had this dream:

My friend (Suki from Gilmore Girls) had a baby and asked me to take care of it. I took the baby and cradled it in my arms while I walked around looking for a bathroom. I remember liking how the baby felt in my arms and thinking that it looked happy as well. I finally found a bathroom, but the doorway was really narrow and I was afraid it would scratch the baby. I made it through and saw one of the guys from my softball team. I went around the corner and was suddenly at the clinic, which was convenient because I thought the baby needed a well child check. I got in line and was about to tell ask the receptionist if there was an opening when...I woke up.

This is probably because two of my cousins just had babies...probably.

October 13, 2008


I had a dream the other night that I was covered in tattoos. I had gotten them on a whim, but when other people saw them I was really embarrassed. One was Mickey Mouse the other was Beetle Juice and I had a third on my belt line. I remember being panicked in the dream because I couldn't get them off and they were horrible. Guess I shouldn't get one in real life.


I had a good self esteem day on Saturday. I love those. No matter what you wear you feel great and you want people to see you and think you look great too. Maybe it was the new crush or maybe it was the new tube of red lipstick, either way it was fun. I wish those days came more often.

October 12, 2008

song of the day

This song is for my sister who converted my into a Leona Lewis fan.

"Better In Time" by Leona Lewis.

October 11, 2008

a new collection

I'm in the middle of reading Alice's Adventures In Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. Over the summer I bought some vintage books from garage sales. I now have Sherlock Holmes, the complete works of Shakespeare, a children's stories and poem book, Gulliver's Travels, Treasure Island, 101 Dalmatians (the original), and Kid Napped. I just bought Alice and Peter Pan from Barnes and Noble because the copies I have are family heirlooms and I didn't want to hurt them when I read them. I'll also probably buy soon a new copy of Treasure Island, Grimm's Fairy Tales and a Hans Christen Anderson book.

song of the day

Song of the day is back.

"Broken" by Lifehouse. Ignore the first 5 seconds.


October 8, 2008

#56 Check

I got it! I'm free! Now what? Canada?

quote time

First set of the year!

"Aw man I'm messin' up all over the place...You can tell it's Friday huh? How much longer do we have...?" ~Chem Prof

"It's like Las Vegas in the cytoplasm." ~Prof

"I carry a copy of the genetic code in my purse." ~Prof

"...because kinky is is in this context [unsaturated fats]." ~Prof

"Proteasome = 'the Doomsday Machine'" ~Prof

"The good DNA fairies and the bad DNA fairies [mutations]." ~Prof

"That's what happens when we die. We achieve thermodynamic equilibrium. It's very Zen." ~Prof

My thoughts:
I love the words "tertiary" and "quaternary." Nerd words.

Chemistry accident stories make it worth my time to come to lecture.


I like the Spanish (and I believe Italian as well) "chispa." It means "spark."

I also have "H2O analogy" written in my notes. I have no idea what I meant by that, but there it is. Hopefully I'll come up with what it was later and elaborate on it.

squeaker squeak squeak squeaker squeakin

My chemistry professor decided to use colored chalk in lecture the other day to illustrate more clearly carbon rings and their hydrogen bonds. It was a good idea until she started pressing to hard, making the chalk squeak over and over...and over. No only does that sound make my ears want to cry, but it makes my teeth hurt for some unknown reason. So does the sound of cotton fibers pulling apart and gauze. Perfect example: in Ocean's Eleven (the newer one) when the acrobat is in the vault, he gets the gauze his hand is wrapped in stuck under the bomb and he pulls it out and it makes that terrible sound...*shiver*

Anyway, back to chemistry. So she kept making the bad sound and then apologizing, but seriously just stop. It's not worth the discomfort.

October 1, 2008

the bus

A couple days ago, a young man got on the bus with a large bundle attached to his front. When he sat next to me I noticed that the bundle was actually a week old infant. As I watched I noticed that the young man and the child where staring staring into each other's eyes. Without breaking the gaze he would shield the baby's head or rock it gently back and forth. I was mesmerized. It warmed my heart to see a man my age, presumably a new father, being so attentive to his child. A little credit is given.

I think one day I'll just ride the transit all day long and write down the interesting things I see. I think it would be a great set of vignettes.

September 4, 2008

pickling cucumbers

Guess what I learned how to do today. If you couldn't guess from the title here's another clue:


I'm referring to #46 on my list of things to do. He's actually #9. We went to the Outlaw races in Elma just to see him. It was awesome! I'm sure I'll be there again next year.

Ali and I were both pretty stinkin' nervous at this point...then he pushed past some guy to sign our hats for us...*sigh* it was AMAZING.
Ali, Kasey and me! Yes, his eyes really are that blue in person. In fact, I think they're so bright they must glow in the dark.
DUDE! CHECK IT OUT! I was beyond stoked at this point.
I'm glad I wasn't the only person at the race track wearing Converse!

Sometimes I love being from the Harbor. This was definitely one of those times.

the list

In case I didn't mention it before, I am an obsessive list maker. So naturally, I have a list of things to do before I die. This summer has been good in that I have crossed two things off the list and will hopefully cross off a third.

My list:
  1. Be a parent
  2. Surf
  3. Take cooking classes
  4. Learn to ballroom dance
  5. Backpack through Europe
  6. Own my own business
  7. Learn Italian
  8. Drive a Vespa
  9. Have gelato in Italy
  10. Ride a gondola in Venice
  11. Go to prom
  12. Own a Mini Cooper
  13. Throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain
  14. Be famous for something
  15. Write a book
  16. Work for Disney
  17. Take a road trip with my best friends
  18. Own a diamond
  19. Put my feet in every ocean
  20. Start a charity
  21. Meet a pirate
  22. Learn to sword fight
  23. Own land
  24. Write a song
  25. Meet the pope
  26. Go on a cruise
  27. Go to Disneyland
  28. Go to the Olympics
  29. Shoot a gun
  30. Dance in a beautiful ballroom
  31. Have my own lap pool
  32. Pet a lion
  33. Ride an elephant
  34. Jump off a cliff into water
  35. Stand under a waterfall
  36. Be in a play
  37. Go to an opera
  38. Do a back flip
  39. Ice skate in Rockefeller Center
  40. Swim with dolphins
  41. Wear an old fashioned dress
  42. Be on the news (for something good)
  43. Be a barista
  44. Get my nails done
  45. Learn to play the guitar
  46. Meet someone famous
  47. Go to the top of the Space Needle
  48. Have a website
  49. Take an art history class
  50. Do a triathlon
  51. Go skiing or snowboarding
  52. Build a house (eco-friendly)
  53. Ride a Harley Davidson by myself
  54. Go scuba diving
  55. Visit all 50 states
  56. Get my passport
  57. Get a college degree
  58. Paint a mural
  59. Go to a NASCAR race
  60. Go on an archaeological dig

Some are more attainable than others, some are silly and some practical but they're all on there just the same.

August 17, 2008

future plans

I'm going to live on the Olympic Peninsula in a completely eco-friendly home.

my happy place

beer, cheese and Packers

My trip to Wisconsin was great. I love to see my family and come home taking with their funny accent. My friends love it too...or not. We went to attend my cousin's wedding. Here are a few photos.
At the reception.
Dancing with the groom during the "dollar dance."
My family's dairy farm.
My cousin grows fields and fields of sunflowers. They happen to be my favorite flower so I was quite happy.

The clouds are fluffier there.

August 6, 2008

vacation quotations

There were some pretty good ones but I only wrote down a few, sorry.

Me: "I like my knights clean shaven."

Cowboy: "T-N-T...that spells dynamite?"
Other Cowboy: "It does in my book."

Me: "Wow. Those nuns were so happy!"

Emily: "I hate the sun. I hate the heat. I hate sunscreen. I hate getting sunburned!"
Me: "Don't we all?"
Emily: "Do YOU have to put sunscreen on when it's raining?!"

Emily: "Hear that Daddy, I'm incomplete."

Security guy to best friend's dad: "Are you the dad?"
Best friend's dad: "Yes sir."
Security guy to me: "Are you the mom?"
Me and best friend: "NO!"

Disney magic

I'm back from Disneyland now and getting ready to leave for Wisconsin. Disneyland was everything I expected and more. I think it was the best vacation I've ever taken, and to think I almost declined! Honestly I can't thank my host enough and must think of something special to give as a thank you. Here are a few of my favorite photos.

Sleeping Beauty's castle. I couldn't stop gawking at it.
A statue of Aurora and Prince Phillip. *sigh*
The jasmine was everywhere! It smelled amazing.
Wall-E! Eeeevaaah?
Me and Mickey! I'd been waiting my whole life to meet him.
I love my camera. This is outside the Snow White ride.

California Adventure. Yes, I went on California Screamin'.

July 17, 2008

more summer plans

For as long as I can remember I've never done much over the summer. This summer I finally have a full time job and suddenly am totally booked for the whole summer! I've had plans for Disneyland and Wisconsin for a while now, but a few days ago I found out that my close friend is coming down from Alaska to visit! BUSY BUSY BUSY! So much time and so little to do! Scratch that. Reverse it.

shopping day

Mom and I had to do some serious shopping today to prepare for our upcoming trips. I spent more than I wanted to, but I did get quite a few things that I actually did need.

Things I needed:
  • Shoes for the Wisconsin wedding. Check.
  • Luggage. Check.
  • Camera case. Check.
  • iPod Case. Check.
  • Travel stuff (shampoo, toothpaste, etc.). Check.
  • Work pants. Check.
  • Hair mousse. Check.
  • Dry erase board. Check.
  • Tank tops.
  • Spray paint.
  • Poster board.

Things I didn't need:
  • The Mummy Special Edition on DVD. It's my favorite movie, I couldn't help it.
  • Polish pottery. It was at Ross! Mom and I couldn't believe it! So, we got some. It was so cheap and normally it's kinda spendy. Totally worth it.
  • Rolling Stones coffee cup. It says "It's only rock n' roll" on it! Totally rad.
  • A new notepad. Okay, I have an obsession with lists and this thing was little and 50% off! Basically it was perfect.
  • Nail polish. Mom paid for it so it's excusable.


Second base.
A successful double play.
Sister...dropping that elbow...
Jenny caught a foul. She's awesome!

Our fans.

We are now 5-5 which I believe is the best we've ever done. Here are some photos.

bear festival 2008

Mom and I at coronation.
Port Orchard's float. Very good.
The eyes moved.
The septic truck getting in some advertisement. Not a big surprise.

The Bear Festival princesses.

July 8, 2008

summer update

This summer is going good so far. The 4th of July was fun as always. Pictures to come soon. Every year I spend it at Christina's house with her huge family. I sprained my thumb playing volleyball with her Samoan cousins. It's hurts. When I told my mom, the first thing she said was "is it your throwing hand or your catching hand?" She was referring to softball and it is my throwing hand (right). Which, is apparently good because if it was my catching hand it would never heal because of the impact from the ball. However, the fact that it is my right hand means that I use it for everything else.

Speaking of softball, my team (the Biohazards) are 3-3. Our next game is tomorrow night and now that I have a camera I will be able to post some photos.

The drama at work never seems to end and leaves me constantly exhausted. Other than the drama though, I think it's going well.

In the coming weeks I will be going on three different trips. The first, Disneyland, comes in the end of July. It will be my first trip to Disneyland and I'm beyond excited. The second is to Wisconsin to see my cousin get married. I can't wait to go to the Amish store and get some good food. The third is camping at Kalaloch, which I look forward to all year long.

Last but not least, Bear Festival is this weekend so expect a post about that. Ali is in charge of the royalty and I think I'll be driving the float for the second week in a row. I'm hoping this year isn't too much of a failure. The lack of effort and enthusiasm from the Bear Festival Committee is astounding.

July 1, 2008


The first night I arrived home from school I started reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. I finished the third one last week and am I'm having post-good book separation anxiety. I finally started another but it took a while to find the right one.

The Twilight series is amazing and I highly recommend it. In fact, it is so good that I have fallen in love with the male lead, Edward Cullen. He's even invading my dreams. It's bad. I'm not sure it's healthy to fall in love with literary characters, but I have...once again.

Now I'm waiting for the next book to come out in August and the movie to come out in December. I hope I can make it.

June 28, 2008

beware of falling trees

Mom and I got hit by a tree on the way home from work today. We were driving down the freeway in my Camaro, with the T-tops out and the windows down. Suddenly we both gasped when we saw an alder tree falling out from the woods and onto us! I swerved into the other lane, but the tree still came in through the open T-tops. I kept driving and looked in the rear-view mirror to see the car behind me driving through the tree. Then I asked mom if she was hurt. She said she wasn't, but wasn't sure about the car. We pulled over and checked the damage. Then we both started laughing. Of course that would happen to us.

June 22, 2008


Summer means very few posts. Working + slow Internet makes it quite difficult. I'll be back.

June 10, 2008


Rocky was my dog. He died this morning. I feel like I need to write him an ode or something to honor the time I shared with him. He was my best friend for around 14 years. He loved the beach as much as I did and was always my guard dog. He loved to dig holes, play softball, and travel. He always asked to go outside and he never ran away. He was perfect. They say a dog is a man's best friend, but I think it goes both ways.
This photo was taking while camping a couple years ago. I was down at the beach skim boarding and he was whining because he couldn't see me. So, Ali put him up on the table so he could keep an eye on me.

I'm sorry he's gone but I know it was his time. I feel terrible for being glad that I wasn't there, but seeing him would have made me fall apart. I also know that my mom and dad are probably very sad too and I hate to see them cry. Is it bad that I don't want to be there for them? Death is such a strange thing, even the non-human kind. What an empty feeling it leaves with one.
I have a feeling I will be particularly lonely this summer minus two best friends. I'm sure I will be fine, but for now I am sad.

June 8, 2008

tip of the day

Don't eat popcorn or chips in the library. It's annoying and rude.

June 7, 2008

blood money

For the past couple of weeks I've been donating my plasma. Well, I don't know if I should call it donating because I get paid for it...Anyway, I've attempted to "donate" three times now and none have been successful.

Trip #1:
I'm sitting with my nurse, Rick, going over all of the possible things that could happen to me. After each one I jokingly say "that'll happen to me." Rick laughs. I go into the room and they hook me up to the machine. Worst part over. The way the process works is that they pump out a certian amount of your blood, spin it around to separate the plasma from the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, pump the plasma into a little baggy, then give the rbc, wbc and platelets back to you. They do this through about eight cycles. I had gotten to my fifth cycle when all of a sudden my arm (the one with the big honking needle in it) started to get really sore. Then I got nauseous. I called my helper Cassie to come over because I thought I was going to faint. I wasn't scared. I knew exactly what was happening, but as I looked at Cassie my vision got darker and my hearing became muted. I remember Cassie asking me a question and start fanning me with my chart then...I was flying. The person I was flying with asked me "can you hear me? Can you hear me?" "Yes," I said. Then I startled awake and there were three or four people standing around me. "Woah," I said. Then I got uncomfortably warm and my hearing and vision returned to normal. Then Rick walked in shaking his head. "I told you," I said to him. "Yes. You called it."
It turns out I was only out for about 2 seconds, but it felt much longer to me. Then I had to eat my second pack of the cracker sandwiches with the cheese in the center and I drank about a gallon of water. Everything was fine and I laughed on the way out. Mainly because it wasn't like I had a room to myself. No, there were literally 8 people across from me and a person on each side of me. It was not subtle. Everyone saw. I thought it was funny. I was paid $30.

Trip #2:
After trip #1 Rick suggested that we try the left arm to see if it's not directly over the nerve that caused me to black out. The problem this time was that they couldn't find the vein in my left arm! I had about three different women feeling up my arm and none of them could find it. So, my girl Cassie decided to go to my right arm...again. So, she's putting the needle in and it hurt really bad. Then I hear "uh oh." That happens to be the worst thing to hear in a medical office. She had scraped the side of my vein and caused it to bleed leaving a hematoma. "Well, good news is you're done for the day," she told me. I was paid $20.

Trip #3 (yesterday):
After my last trip I asked my mom (a nurse) if there was anything I could do to make the vein in my left arm bigger. "Put some heat on it." So I did. I decided to put my washcloth in the microwave to warm it up. It would have worked if I would have remembered to wet it down first. I think I opened the door right before it caught on fire. It was smokin'. I used it anyway...then tossed it. I got to the plasma place, did the usual prick of the finger thing then chose a left handed seat/bed. I warned the guy, Mark, that they couldn't find my vein last time. Well, he found it and inserted the needle (no pain). Then he said "hmmm." Another thing I don't like to hear at a medical place. "It's not...going," he said. I sighed. "I'm going to move the needle a little bit to see if I can get it to flow better." I wasn't really likin' the idea so much, but kept my mouth shut. Let me just tell you that yeah, it wasn't comfortable. Mark gave up after several unsuccessful attempts. Then a new girl walked over and tried. "Ouch," I said. Then I looked down at my left arm and saw what was the beginning of another hematoma. She had poked the side of that vein. "I'm going to try the other side," she said. I told her that I still had a bruise on my right arm, but she wanted to do it anyway. I was gritting my teeth the whole time. It hurt. We had to stop. I was paid $30.

Trip #4:
This Tuesday. Expect an update. I will be successful. I will be paid $20.

my friends

Are really funny. Here are some examples.

Kyndra: "That was one good piece of grass. And not in the druggie way."

Jacquie: "Oh no! I lost my rocket!"

Kyndra: "Shit! Why do I have to be such a good person? I hate it when I do that!"

*phone rings*
Me: Hello?
Unknown Caller: *BEEEELCH*
Me: "Oh that was...great..."
Unknown Caller: "Good one right?"
Me: *click*

June 6, 2008

things from my brain

I'm an obsessive note taker when it comes to life. I like to write down things as they happen. I like to make lists too. It's more like I have to make lists actually. If I don't then my brain thinks I need to remember all of these things and it wastes space in my brain's hard-drive. My notes and lists usually consist of quotes I like, thoughts I have, real life stories, etc. Right now I have to wait 10 more minutes before I can finish my online chemistry homework, so I thought I'd post my first set of life notes.

From Chemistry:

Professor: "Iron is my favorite iron anyone else's favorite? OH COME ON! It's in your blood! It's like everywhere!"

Professor: "This[homework problem] is kind of an easy little plug and chug."

From Anthropology:

Professor: "We'll have a lecture about chimpanzees. Everything you ever wanted to know about chimpanzees. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll have to leave to go to the bathroom...I guarantee at least one but probably all three of those things will happen to you."

Professor: "...Canadians speak another language than us. It's very difficult to communicate with them."

Student [about exam]: "How heavy will the terminology be?"
Professor: "Very heavy. It's all written in words. Does that help?"

Professor: "We know this is the mother. How do we know? It came out of her! There's potential of a hospital switch...happens all the time."

Professor: "It's hard to text message with a hoof. I'm learning about that sort of thing."

Professor: "Well I've raced a jaguar..." I'm pretty sure he was talking about an actual jaguar.

Professor: "Hopefully there will be no other slides...nope two more. Damn."

Professor: "We are an ape...I'd hate to break it to...some of us..."

Professor: "It's pretty boring just reading the test questions to you...probably something ethically wrong with that. I dunno I'll have to check the handbook. I should probably do that more often."

Professor: "You're supposed to be anxious before a test right? That's good for learning."

Professor: "I can't tell you all the answers because then no one would get any wrong."

Professor: "I'm retarded."

From Biology:

Professor: "Enough fun right?"
Me: "That's what I always say."

Professor: "Let's turn on the lights so I can kinda see the whites of your eyes."
Me: "Well my whites are kinda red today so..."

Professor: "Males aren't really equipped to do anything by themselves."

Professor: "I don't mean to shut you down, but I am."


My new softball mantra is "don't swing at crap."

During cell biology I'm am constantly suffering from information overload.

Serendipity is a beautiful word.

The zygomatic bone is my favorite bone, closely followed by the acetabulum.

Crepuscular. Who knew?

Extant is a funny word.

Further and farther are tricky.

June 5, 2008


Welcome. This is where I will be putting all my thoughts and ideas from "off the port bow." The name was the product of brainstorming while watching the Little Mermaid. I like it because it is a good way to describe where my mind is most of the time. My thoughts are rarely strait off the bow in the "normal" direction nor are they off the port side in the crazy direction. They are halfway in between.

I'll try to keep my posts a frequent as possible. Summer is usually a little slow because Internet speed at home is as slow as it can be. Finals are also happening right now. I hope I am able to entertain you as much as I entertain myself. Enjoy.