October 27, 2008

why Peru?

For my entire freshman year of college I wanted to study abroad in Spain, period. My plan was set and I was determined. After I transferred though, things changed. I know want to go to Peru. People that have known me since my freshman year are now asking me "Why Peru?" Sometimes it's with surprise and interest, other times it's with surprise and almost a tone of disgust. Well, let me tell you.
I discovered my interest in Peru a little over a year ago. I'm pretty sure it was after I had read the Celestine Prophecy. After that it's been haunting me. My friend went, my mom went, Indiana Jones came out, a new alpaca store opened up in Fairhaven (recent omen), one morning this summer I woke up earlier than my family and turned on the TV and it was on a program about the Incas. There have been many. I don't know if it's because my ears are now in turn for the words Peru and Inca or if I really am being shown some signs. Either way, I feel like it's something I need to do.
Another reason is that I have new priorities. I don't want to go abroad and be a tourist (yet) or be stuck in a classroom all day. I already do that. I want to go somewhere and play a deeper role in the culture. I want to become a part of a community or a project. Before, when I wanted to go to Spain, I just wanted to see things. There's nothing wrong with that, but I have my whole life to do that and also I can see things and help people at the same time. I'm not sure why this became a priority. I definitely don't want to go into the PeaceCorps or another similar organizations, but I know that I have the ability to do something for the greater good and I'd like to use it before I lose it, I guess.

Finally, why not Peru? I know many people hate having their question answered with a question but seriously Peru has just as much, if not more, to offer than any other country. The only negative I can think of is malaria, but that's what DEET is for.

October 26, 2008

locked out

My roommate and I went to Costco today and I, being the genius that I am, shut her trunk before she could get hers keys out. So she didn't have her keys, wallet, or phone. Luckily I had my wallet, key (to my car) and phone. Too bad my car was at home. So we returned her bicycle (the purpose of the trip) and called a locksmith. 30 minutes and $66 later we had her keys and wallet and had to go back into Costco to buy our groceries. Genius.

October 21, 2008

my new home

Every time I walk through the door to my apartment my roommates and I say "you are about to enter another dimension...you are about to enter the Twilight Zone."

October 19, 2008

song of the day

I love this song. "You Don't Know Me," by Ray Charles. I love the Michael Buble version. The Elvis one isn't bad either.

another dream

After I fell back asleep I had this dream:

My friend (Suki from Gilmore Girls) had a baby and asked me to take care of it. I took the baby and cradled it in my arms while I walked around looking for a bathroom. I remember liking how the baby felt in my arms and thinking that it looked happy as well. I finally found a bathroom, but the doorway was really narrow and I was afraid it would scratch the baby. I made it through and saw one of the guys from my softball team. I went around the corner and was suddenly at the clinic, which was convenient because I thought the baby needed a well child check. I got in line and was about to tell ask the receptionist if there was an opening when...I woke up.

This is probably because two of my cousins just had babies...probably.

October 13, 2008


I had a dream the other night that I was covered in tattoos. I had gotten them on a whim, but when other people saw them I was really embarrassed. One was Mickey Mouse the other was Beetle Juice and I had a third on my belt line. I remember being panicked in the dream because I couldn't get them off and they were horrible. Guess I shouldn't get one in real life.


I had a good self esteem day on Saturday. I love those. No matter what you wear you feel great and you want people to see you and think you look great too. Maybe it was the new crush or maybe it was the new tube of red lipstick, either way it was fun. I wish those days came more often.

October 12, 2008

song of the day

This song is for my sister who converted my into a Leona Lewis fan.

"Better In Time" by Leona Lewis.

October 11, 2008

a new collection

I'm in the middle of reading Alice's Adventures In Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. Over the summer I bought some vintage books from garage sales. I now have Sherlock Holmes, the complete works of Shakespeare, a children's stories and poem book, Gulliver's Travels, Treasure Island, 101 Dalmatians (the original), and Kid Napped. I just bought Alice and Peter Pan from Barnes and Noble because the copies I have are family heirlooms and I didn't want to hurt them when I read them. I'll also probably buy soon a new copy of Treasure Island, Grimm's Fairy Tales and a Hans Christen Anderson book.

song of the day

Song of the day is back.

"Broken" by Lifehouse. Ignore the first 5 seconds.


October 8, 2008

#56 Check

I got it! I'm free! Now what? Canada?

quote time

First set of the year!

"Aw man I'm messin' up all over the place...You can tell it's Friday huh? How much longer do we have...?" ~Chem Prof

"It's like Las Vegas in the cytoplasm." ~Prof

"I carry a copy of the genetic code in my purse." ~Prof

"...because kinky is good...it is in this context [unsaturated fats]." ~Prof

"Proteasome = 'the Doomsday Machine'" ~Prof

"The good DNA fairies and the bad DNA fairies [mutations]." ~Prof

"That's what happens when we die. We achieve thermodynamic equilibrium. It's very Zen." ~Prof

My thoughts:
I love the words "tertiary" and "quaternary." Nerd words.

Chemistry accident stories make it worth my time to come to lecture.


I like the Spanish (and I believe Italian as well) "chispa." It means "spark."

I also have "H2O analogy" written in my notes. I have no idea what I meant by that, but there it is. Hopefully I'll come up with what it was later and elaborate on it.

squeaker squeak squeak squeaker squeakin

My chemistry professor decided to use colored chalk in lecture the other day to illustrate more clearly carbon rings and their hydrogen bonds. It was a good idea until she started pressing to hard, making the chalk squeak over and over...and over. No only does that sound make my ears want to cry, but it makes my teeth hurt for some unknown reason. So does the sound of cotton fibers pulling apart and gauze. Perfect example: in Ocean's Eleven (the newer one) when the acrobat is in the vault, he gets the gauze his hand is wrapped in stuck under the bomb and he pulls it out and it makes that terrible sound...*shiver*

Anyway, back to chemistry. So she kept making the bad sound and then apologizing, but seriously just stop. It's not worth the discomfort.

October 1, 2008

the bus

A couple days ago, a young man got on the bus with a large bundle attached to his front. When he sat next to me I noticed that the bundle was actually a week old infant. As I watched I noticed that the young man and the child where staring staring into each other's eyes. Without breaking the gaze he would shield the baby's head or rock it gently back and forth. I was mesmerized. It warmed my heart to see a man my age, presumably a new father, being so attentive to his child. A little credit is given.

I think one day I'll just ride the transit all day long and write down the interesting things I see. I think it would be a great set of vignettes.