October 27, 2009

song of the day

"Love" by Sugarland

I'm sorry about the ridiculous add in this video but I love this particular performance.

October 7, 2009

senior year

The good thing about being a senior in college is that you get to take classes that are interesting. This quarter I'm taking a class from my favorite professor, The Ecology of Human Variation. He's hysterical and luckily for both of us there is a girl in the class who's intelligence I'm questioning. Here is a blip from class today. Enjoy. We were making a chart about how humans use their energy and we had "reproduction" under an activity and then our teacher put it as it's own category to represent sexual maturation. This is the conversation that followed.(I copied that picture exactly from the white board.)

Student: "but you already have that under 'activities'."
Teacher: "Think about it now. The activity part of reproduction is...going to the sock-hop..."
Girl: "What about socialization? I mean, humans have to socialize."
Teacher: "Well, that would be this..." (He puts a star next to 'reproduction' in the activities section)
*lull in conversation*
Girl: "What about grooming?!"
Teacher: (Puts a dot next to 'reproduction').

She was lost.


I made it all the way home without any huge complications. My flights were both delayed, which annoyed me but didn't hurt at all. The last few days of my journey I had been feeling kind of ill, which made me sit out of a couple activities. When I got home I still had a rock in my stomach. After Mom gave me a panic attack by telling me that she thought it could be a parasite/worms she had me call Dr.Ellen (aka Mom's bff). She told me that I had giardia, thank God. She told me I'd have to be on anti-biotics 4x/day for 7 days. After that exciting news mom consulted someone else and the CDC and decided I could manage with 1 pill 3x/day, much better. Now that I've been off the antibiotics for a while I'm still feeling some of the uh, effects but the rock in my stomach is gone. Now, however, I have to take probiotics to reset my system, if you will. I can't wait until I'm only on one pill/day again!