October 13, 2010


Dear Tyra Banks,

I don't care that you are a crazy, wanna be stage mom. I find your antics and nonsensical outbursts not only entertaining but reassuring as well. Whenever I listen to you ramble on with the other judges about things that have absolutely no connection to reality I feel better about myself. So thank you Tyra, thank you for boosting my self esteem in a way that no one else can say they have done.


October 7, 2010

why September is weird

I love summer and I hate winter. I also quite enjoy autumn. Convincing myself to let go of summer is often very difficult, however when I start drinking my pumpkin spice lattes and eating caramel anything I am happy again. I think just knowing that after fall comes winter makes it really hard for me to let go of summer. So:

Dear September,

I'm sorry that you fall* at such an awkward time of year. It is really unfortunate that winter's impending doom overshadows the wonderful things that you bring. Every year I am disgruntled as I put my flip-flops and shorts into storage, but once October comes I am over my attitude and have re-accepted my Converse and apple cider. I'm sorry, September, for taking out my pre-winter angst on you. Maybe one year it will be an Indian summer and then it will be less painful for the both of us.


*Pun totally intended.

following the trends

When I was a freshman in college I read Eat, Pray, Love. I loved it. Then it became the new "it" book and everybody else loved it too. Then it faded away as most fads do and now that the movie has come out we all love it again. Normally I'm one to resist media fads (at least I like to think so), but this book really struck a chord with me. I can tell this not because I enjoy talking about the book (which I do) or because I saw the movie right when it came out (which I did not) but by looking around my room. When I moved home from college my room contained all the same decorations I've always had but now it's becoming more and more like World Market. I bought a new comforter today (for $5) and when I put it out along with my new curtains (also $5) my mother said "wow, it's very...Bali in here." Sure enoug, I have new candles and new wall hangings all making it seem like I'm Liz Gilbert just coming home from her trip. Even my new office has fallen victim to the cultural decoration attack.

I can't give all the credit to Ms. Gilbert and her wonderful story. I was bitten by the travel bug a long time ago and books like hers only inflame it. The funny part is-I'm totally fine with all the new decor. I think now I'll go turn on some of the world music I've been downloading and pretend like I'm on vacation.