September 4, 2008

pickling cucumbers

Guess what I learned how to do today. If you couldn't guess from the title here's another clue:


I'm referring to #46 on my list of things to do. He's actually #9. We went to the Outlaw races in Elma just to see him. It was awesome! I'm sure I'll be there again next year.

Ali and I were both pretty stinkin' nervous at this point...then he pushed past some guy to sign our hats for us...*sigh* it was AMAZING.
Ali, Kasey and me! Yes, his eyes really are that blue in person. In fact, I think they're so bright they must glow in the dark.
DUDE! CHECK IT OUT! I was beyond stoked at this point.
I'm glad I wasn't the only person at the race track wearing Converse!

Sometimes I love being from the Harbor. This was definitely one of those times.

the list

In case I didn't mention it before, I am an obsessive list maker. So naturally, I have a list of things to do before I die. This summer has been good in that I have crossed two things off the list and will hopefully cross off a third.

My list:
  1. Be a parent
  2. Surf
  3. Take cooking classes
  4. Learn to ballroom dance
  5. Backpack through Europe
  6. Own my own business
  7. Learn Italian
  8. Drive a Vespa
  9. Have gelato in Italy
  10. Ride a gondola in Venice
  11. Go to prom
  12. Own a Mini Cooper
  13. Throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain
  14. Be famous for something
  15. Write a book
  16. Work for Disney
  17. Take a road trip with my best friends
  18. Own a diamond
  19. Put my feet in every ocean
  20. Start a charity
  21. Meet a pirate
  22. Learn to sword fight
  23. Own land
  24. Write a song
  25. Meet the pope
  26. Go on a cruise
  27. Go to Disneyland
  28. Go to the Olympics
  29. Shoot a gun
  30. Dance in a beautiful ballroom
  31. Have my own lap pool
  32. Pet a lion
  33. Ride an elephant
  34. Jump off a cliff into water
  35. Stand under a waterfall
  36. Be in a play
  37. Go to an opera
  38. Do a back flip
  39. Ice skate in Rockefeller Center
  40. Swim with dolphins
  41. Wear an old fashioned dress
  42. Be on the news (for something good)
  43. Be a barista
  44. Get my nails done
  45. Learn to play the guitar
  46. Meet someone famous
  47. Go to the top of the Space Needle
  48. Have a website
  49. Take an art history class
  50. Do a triathlon
  51. Go skiing or snowboarding
  52. Build a house (eco-friendly)
  53. Ride a Harley Davidson by myself
  54. Go scuba diving
  55. Visit all 50 states
  56. Get my passport
  57. Get a college degree
  58. Paint a mural
  59. Go to a NASCAR race
  60. Go on an archaeological dig

Some are more attainable than others, some are silly and some practical but they're all on there just the same.